That’s right folks! Summer is around the corner. You know what that means in The Constant Rambler household… Road Trips! It’s what we live for. Getting in the car with the windows down and the music blasting and hitting the road to find new adventures. There are a few things we do before packing up the car and heading out though. The dog needs a good bath, the car needs a thorough cleaning and our music lists need updating. Then comes my least favorite part of any road trip, the packing. Oh how I detest the packing, but it is necessary. Here is a short summer road trip shopping list that we put together to help your summer travels be safe and fun for all.
Author Archives: Lauren Bassart
Rambler Down: Rust In Peace
The phone rang, and rang again. I hesitated to answer it. I knew what the person on the other end was going to tell me. My heart sank into my stomach as I answered it. I saw her leave late Monday night from my kitchen window. I couldn’t bring myself to go outside and say goodbye, but I knew it was goodbye forever. The phone is still ringing. I get up to answer it and the voice on the other end says the words I dread to hear: Totaled! Oh Britney! Oh my heart! We love you so very much.
I Never Thought I’d Say This: I’m Afraid to Travel
We have not posted a whole lot on our blog these past few months. We have been poorly behaved bloggers. Things in America have kept us busy and stressed. Politics and policy became more important than fun and cultural enrichment. Travel, for us, took a backseat.
Escaping Shawshank and Finding Redemption
Celebrating four years of being nomadic this month seems so surreal to me. For those of you that don’t know, or haven’t read our manifesto, Kenin and I both came from a retail work background and left our jobs after breaking down and nearly divorcing. We were working crazy hours and making great money, but we hardly ever saw each other. To make matters worse, when we did get time together, we spent it being exhausted and cranky. Neither of us ever planned on having a life full of money and status, but we worked hard and climbed that corporate ladder like there was a fire chasing us upward.
Eventually we found that we were utterly miserable and at a breaking point, so we made the choice to just walk away from it all. We embarked on a 30-day road trip to save our marriage and our sanity and we just couldn’t bring ourselves to go back to the back-breaking retail world and the consumerism that peddled it. Our marriage was more important to the both of us than the amount of money in our bank account. It became time for a major change.
We’ve been through quite a bit of ups and downs in our lives, and that’s still the most shining example of us “Dufresning it”.
When Kenin refers to getting out of any sticky situation in life he likes to refer to it as “Andy Dufresning” it. This is a reference to the main character, Andy Dufresne, from the Shawshank Redemption. When he escaped from Shawshank prison, Andy swam through a river of shit and came out “clean” on the other end, hence the coining of one of our favorite terms, “Defresning It”.
Colorado Vacation? How about Group Destination?
After spending some time in Colorado in the Spring of 2016, Kenin and I almost immediately started the plans of a return trip for the following year. Then our friends threw out the idea of taking a trip to Colorado with us, so it seems that Colorado may become an annual meeting spot for us and some of our closest friends. There’s just something about the breathtaking views of the Rocky Mountains that seem to keep drawing us back to Colorado. With that in mind, we decided to use it as a meet up location for several of our friends from across the world. In doing some research we decided that renting out a villa with Colorado Vacation Rentals seems to be an excellent choice for group get-togethers. We would all be able to chill out under one roof and spend quality time playing in the mountains and taking in some of the best that Colorado has to offer.