Author Archives: Lauren Bassart
Das Auto: Our VW Across America – Love on Four Wheels
Kenin and I share a deep love of vehicles. We both also share a love for driving. We are firm believers in buying a car to drive it to its limits, and we did just that when we took our VW across America. Volkswagen roughly translates to “People’s car”. I am sure it could be easily amended to “People’s & Dogs’ car after our VW took us and our dogs from Florida to Alaska. We have owned several VWs in our years together, but I think this is the hardest we have ever made a car “work” for us. :)

#FriFotos #Urban – Photos of Cities We Love
This week’s #Fri #Fotos theme is #Urban. We decided to share photos of cities we love. When I think of urban, I think of cities, and when I think of cities, I think of hipsters. Here is a very good representation of what can happen to a normal person when they spend too many hours in a car. :)

#FriFotos #Ice and #Snow – Views from an Alaskan Cruise
Dog Snogs: Puppy Love and My Cheating Heart – A Confession
I love my dogs! I love having them by my side everyday. If I could, I would take them everywhere with me. Zoe and Punkin have been on countless vacations with me. They have climbed mountains and waded in oceans with me right by their side. They fill my heart with joy and I cannot picture my life without them …with that being said though, I have to confess that I have a cheating heart! I suffer from a severe malady – Puppy Love! I need dog snogs and I don’t care where I get them! :(