The Oak and Vine Restaurant at Springside in Auburn, NY is a must-visit if you are in this area of the Finger Lakes. Stepping into the adorable restaurant was the best way to unplug from a day of long travels.

Tucked away in the little town of Darrow, Louisiana is a gem of a place called The Houmas House Plantation and Gardens. Known as the “crown jewel of Louisiana’s river road” it is a property that is steeped in historical significance, and has ben restored to reflect the splendor that Southern Plantation homes have long been associated with. Taking a tour of the Houmas House Plantation while walking through this fairy tale setting with my dog at my side and an ice cold drink in my hand was absolutely blissful.
It’s no secret that we here at The Constant Rambler love coffee. I find it necessary to function and essential to a happy day. This is one of the reasons that I adore Starbucks. Since becoming a blogger though, my love for this company has grown and now I find that they have become a necessity to my travel lifestyle.
Established in 1852, the Hotel Fauchere was recognized as a historic landmark in Milford, Pennsylvania in 1980. Delighted to stay in the romantic Poconos, the Hotel Fauchere was an excellent choice for a fun little getaway.
Dinosaur BBQ restaurant in Syracuse is a well-known biker bar that serves great grub and the beer flows freely. My kind of place. We didn’t ride over here (we took the much more boring form of transportation also known as walking), but we did come across too many motorcycles to count parked all around the place. Upon first inspection, this quirky restaurant seemed very out of place for Syracuse, but after crossing the front lines and walking in the door, I could see why people, locals and visitors alike, flock here for a fun time and great barbecue.