During our last road trip, I realized that when it comes to road signs, Canadians know what they are doing! We, as Americans can take a lesson from our Northern friends. Not only are Canadian road signs more entertaining and aesthetically pleasing, they are also more accurate and detailed.

I was elated by the simple detail of the maple leaf that marked Canadian highways on our GPS.

Nothing makes you want to slow down more than this sign. In Canada, the wildlife make their own plea for safe driving. Once we crossed the border we saw virtually no road-kill. These signs must be effective.

Cut out signs!! This is too much for me :) This makes me feel like a pre-schooler all over again. Canadian signs getting in touch with my inner-youth. I love this! Funny thing about these things is that from the right distance they look just like an animal crossing. It was more than enough to slow us down!

This sign was very confusing to me at first. We saw this sign before we ever saw the bridge. I thought we were driving towards a great disco party or unicycle competition or something.

Signs in full color with cute animals will always get my attention! Well done Canada, well done!

You might think that this is just a funny plywood cutout, but when you are going even a few miles/kilometers over the speed limit, it makes you tap your brakes. This sign was just enough for me to watch Ken panic, check his speedometer, and tap his brakes (he wasn’t even speeding at the time). Needless to say, I had a good laugh at his expense afterward.

There might be some argument as to how “official” this sign may be, but in Canada, I never could tell what was government funded or just plain ole fun. Regardless, we did slow down enough to take a photo. I guess his was a job well done!
If keeping track of all these fun roadsigns is not enough to keep you entertained, as you road-trip through Canada, you may want to check out this list of online Canadian casinos. Although there is a number of brick-and-mortar casino locations in Canada, the convenience of playing online – without having to go out of your way – is hard to beat.
ok so this site? i am loving the design, the theme, the functionality. i tip my hat to the designer. and this comes from a designer. ;) absolutely love the signs. the police car is awesome. im wondering if a cut out of me holding a frying pan in will keep the kids out of the cookie jar before dinner. :-D
Thank You kindly :-) A cut out like that would have kept me out of the kitchen :-)
Great pics!! Now only if we had these all over Canada :) I always see photo articles of signs in Asia so thanks for throwing one up of your Canadian cousins!
We loved Canada. I think it is a highly underrated country. Can’t wait to visit again! Cheers to our cousins in the North!
I love to keep an eye out for funny road signs too. It’s amazing how the different ways of interpretation we have depending on our cultural background – though these signs are pretty straightforward.
I think from now on when i visit a new country i am going to do a post about signs. I love the differences in cultures and even something as simple as a road sign shows how diverse we are :)
Love this article.. We agree. We saw some “different” signs when we traveled in Canada..
Those signs are great, loved them.
LOVE THIS – I hope we see some of these on our Canadian road trip coming up in mid this year
These were taken in BC. What part of Canada are you visiting?
Thanks for the post! Being from Canada, we enjoyed these, especially the cut-out cop car and the log! Can’t say I’ve seen those before. I saw on your GPS that you were in the Crowsnest area, beautiful part of Alberta :)
I hope you enjoyed our homeland.
Safe Travels.
The cop car really got me! We started out in AB but ended up driving through BC and YK to Alaska along the eastern Rockies and then came back along the western coast. It was beautiful and we enjoyed it immensely.
Love the varied signs for the beasties. We have just the normal caution signs (triangle with an exclamation point) and a sign underneath saying “Pheasants Slow”. Not so sure if this is a request to the motorist, or simply a comment on pheasant intellect, as they seem determined to hurl themselves in front of passing cars. Perhaps we just need a re-education programme: “You are a pheasant, not a lemming!”
LOL! We have signs here that say “Slow Children” all over the place. I always wondered who thought those signs were well written… :-)
Cool, only in Canada!
Hahaha I loved the signs in BC too – but, there are even better ones in New Zealand. Mostly clever, some eye opening public service announcements, but like the plywood cop car, effective and make you think.
Ah, the fun of roadtrips!
I’m Canadian and I like American road signs better. Your highway system is very well planned.
Ha! I love the high impact sign…hilarious…
This was such a funny post! I really enjoyed it! What a great sense of humor. Thanks for sharing! :-)
Hilarious! The police car and that road worker bwahahaa
The police car made me practically stand on my brakes! I guess it really does work.