Everyone assumes that our travels are all fun and adventure. They see our pretty photographs on Facebook and read our blog and think “Wow, those Ramblers have quite the life!” Well, we do. However, we do have our bad moments just like everyone else. Our blog and social media acts as a highlight real of sorts. Here are a few examples of Ramblin’ moments where things didn’t go quite as planned. After all, we are human and err just as much as anyone else.
Category Archives: Featured
#AFWishIWasThere – A Photo Contest from Al Fresco
Unless you are kinda crazy like us and chose to spend your Winter in the Arctic North, this time of year is made up of dreaming about that next summer vacation or travel adventure. Are you spending your days scrolling through your Facebook pictures of your last vacation, or enviously staring at your friends photos? If that describes you, you’re in luck! Why? All your holiday dreaming can help you win a free NEW CAMERA from Al Fresco Holidays.
Why Walking Holidays Are Both Relaxing And Great Exercise
Walking is one of the most amazing physical activities possible for a number of reasons. It is something that almost all of us can do and it is hugely beneficial to the body and mind. Walking has no apparent negatives and it allows us to engage with the people, animals, and the natural world all around us. Given holidays also feature pretty highly on most people’s lists of favourite things, combining the two would seem to be as sure a recipe for success as a cake with icing on top.
Be the Superstar in Your Life
When we started this blog, we did it with the sole purpose of inspiring others to travel. We wanted everyone we knew to learn how to dream, and then take those dreams and turn them into reality. Turn off the tube and stop living vicariously. This is why, if anyone we know wants to travel somewhere with us, we were game for it.

Some of our best memories to date were of traveling with friends and family. We have gone to some great lengths to meet people we know all over the world.
Carnival in Trinidad, A White Man’s Guide!
From behind me, in a hoarse whisper coated with the stench of cheap rum, beer, and cask wine, I heard “Wine for me now Boy”. It was a woman who I had never met before. She was twice my age, her diminutive 5′ 1′ Indian body pressed up against my ogreish 6’4″ frame, and yet I had no choice but to comply. Any hopes of flight left me before the thought could even escape the ether of my mind. It was her next line that left me no other course of action. No choice but to wine and grind on her right then and there. You see, before I could reel from her stench, or even flinch, she whispered “I been watchin’ ya dance for hours now boy! I know ya can! You dance like a Trini man” I was trapped! I did what any man in my position celebrating carnival in Trinidad would do. I chugged the rest of my Carib, let my body and mind surrender to the soca beats coming from the music trucks, and I wined up on her…