In 1969 the city of Calgary, Alberta was changed forever by a man named Walter Chell. Walter was opening an italian restaurant in the city and wanted to celebrate with one of his own creations, the Caesar.

It’s not often that you can effectively mix fine dining with a casual and comfortable environment. Somehow though, the team at Muse has managed to do just that. Located in the trendy Kensington neighborhood just outside of downtown Calgary, Muse is a great spot to relax and enjoy a romantic evening while also pleasing the most refined of pallets.
I have to be honest, as an American, when I think of Canada, the contributions of their military to the global peace effort aren’t the first thing that comes to mind. In the US, we do a pretty good job of honoring our soldiers and highlighting their acts of valiance, but when you travel over the border and visit our Neighbors to the North it’s a bit of a different story. I mean, I always knew that Canada had an active standing military, I just didn’t know all that much about them or their rich history. All that changed however, after we spent our day at the Military Museums in Calgary, AB.
The rotors start turning and my heart starts thumping. I can feel the vibrations from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Adrenaline starts to pump as I don my headset. I squeeze my husband’s balmy hand and I’m ready for takeoff.
As a traveler, I’ve had the opportunity to cross the globe seeking out new and exciting experiences. There are two types of travel though, that have so far eluded me. Space Travel and Time Travel. While space travel might materialize in my lifetime, I have always accepted with fateful resignation that I would never get the chance to travel back in time. That is, until I found out about Heritage Park in Calgary.