When we first decided that we were going to make a cross-country trip to tour Alaska, we had one specific goal, drive the Dalton Highway! This was our second trip to The Last Frontier, but it was the first time we had spent any real time in the state. Our previous visit was when we traveled on an Alaskan cruise quite a few years earlier, but being there for only a few hours a day did the state no justice. I knew we’d have a great time visiting, but what I didn’t know was that I would end up saying I love Alaska!
Category Archives: Deadhorse
Great Drives: Alaska’s Dalton Highway Road Trip | Fairbanks to Deadhorse
Driving on most American roads today is anything but a challenge. They are mostly smooth, well lit, and generally safe. Alaska’s Dalton Highway, which takes you from Fairbanks, Alaska to the town of Deadhorse, is 414 miles of the exact opposite! While portions are now paved, it began as a gravel road designed to bring oil field equipment to the edge of the Arctic Ocean. The road is bumpy, icy, has many steep grades (over 10%), no guardrails, and takes you through Alaska’s Arctic Tundra! If you ask me that’s a perfect recipe for an exciting and challenging road trip!