When we first decided that we were going to make a cross-country trip to tour Alaska, we had one specific goal, drive the Dalton Highway! This was our second trip to The Last Frontier, but it was the first time we had spent any real time in the state. Our previous visit was when we traveled on an Alaskan cruise quite a few years earlier, but being there for only a few hours a day did the state no justice. I knew we’d have a great time visiting, but what I didn’t know was that I would end up saying I love Alaska!
Category Archives: Tok
Road Trip Update: Alaska’s Interior Route from Fairbanks to Anchorage to Valdez
Our latest update on our Florida to Alaska road trip takes us through the remainder of Alaska’s Interior on a route going from Fairbanks to Anchorage and the coastal city of Valdez. We weren’t originally planning on spending so much time in Alaska but the combination of it’s immense size, beauty, exotic location, and so many things to do, made us stay for as long as we could. We covered 1000 miles over 6 days and had such an amazing time that we’ve added Alaska to one of the places we would consider living!

Florida to Alaska Update: Road Tripping Alaska’s Interior, Tok to Fairbanks
We’ve spent the longest time in Alaska than we have in any other state this trip, but for very good reason. It makes up about 20% of the United State’s land mass. This state is HUGE! Considering that we made it up here we decided to spend some time touring the entirety of Alaska’s interior, in addition to hitting our goal of driving the Dalton Highway to Deadhorse, Alaska. Our road trip route took us from Tok, AK to Fairbanks before hitting the Dalton Highway to the North.

Florida to Alaska Road Trip Update: Banff, Canada and the Alaska Highway!
The time finally came for us to kiss the USA goodbye and take our Florida to Alaska road trip across the border to visit our neighbors to the North in Canada! We clocked over 2020 miles as we drove across 3 Provinces and two US states. Our drive took us through Banff, AB, along the Alaska Highway, and ended in Tok, AK.