Looking for something to do that fun for the whole family? Have you ever wanted to try out the ahollywood Full Moon Drum Circle but were afraid of being trapped in a room surrounded by aging hippies that reek of patchouli oil and have crazy names like Mistress Mojave Moon? If so, the city of Hollywood Arts Park and Resurrection Drums have the solution for you. If not, it’s about time you went out and gave something new a try!
Category Archives: Florida
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Road Trip Diary Day 2 Jacksonville to Knoxville
We woke up refreshed and eager today at 5:30 AM. Pretty surprising considering no alarm was set and we’re on vacation. It must be a side effect of not having a job or something. We ended up doing an offbeat “rambling road trip” 536 mile drive from Jacksonville, FL to Knoxville, TN. It took much longer than it should have because we made it a point to take a bunch of detours along the way and found plenty of things to do. It made the previous day feel like a practice run for the real thing. We headed out that morning full of laughter and giggles ready for adventure to come our way.
Disney Photo Gallery – All 4 Parks
Check out these great pics we took when we visited Disney in the fall of 2012. We created a Disney Photo Gallery with over 70 pics to share.
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