“Hit the brakes at 200 ft” … “Now Turn in”…”Hit the apex”… “Now Floor it!” I think my driving coach said something else, but all I remember after that point is a growling 530 HP V-10 engine laying the backbeat for the crashing bang of my frantically thumping heart. There are moments in life where large doses of adrenaline make every minute seem like hours, this was one of them. I can tell you all about the smell of the burning rubber from my screeching tires, the sun glistening on the windshield, the heat ripples on the surface of the asphalt, the dry-metallic taste in my mouth brought upon by the mix of fear and exhilaration, and the feel of this 3500 pound machine dancing nimbly on the track. But what I remember most, is the sound. There is something about the growl of an engine that sends chills up my spine and makes the hairs on my neck dance. It always has. It’s the sound every motor head knows and lives for. I’ve heard it a thousand times from the outside, but I haven’t ever felt it from the inside before. It’s life changing. Addicting! I could insert a million adjectives here but I will say this instead: If just reading this paragraph got you excited enough to feel your blood running hot, you need to find your way to the Le Mans track of the Homestead Miami Speedway and pay a visit to the guys at Miami Exotic Auto Racing. Right. Now!