I first heard of the Thundershirt from a friend of mine. I was telling him a story about how Zoe, our Weimaraner, likes to hide in the bathtub during thunderstorms. He mentioned the Thundershirt as a product he had seen that was supposed to relax and calm dogs that were scared of thunder. A few months later, we met with a Thundershirt rep while at Global Pet Expo. We started talking about the Thundershirt, and how it cold help pets with all types of anxiety including travel anxiety. With that thought in mind we put together this Thundershirt Review to see how well it worked .
Category Archives: Gear
Dog Car Safety Made Easy With The Innovative Kurgo Zip Line
Dog car safety is an important topic for us here at The Constant Rambler. Our dogs have spent countless hours in the back of our VW GTI as we’ve driven back and forth across the country. For many years we, like many other dog owners, just let them roam around in the back seat (or wherever else they felt like plopping). Recently though, due to a heightened awareness of the issue, we’ve come to realize that not only is it unsafe to our dogs, it’s also unsafe for us humans to let them do that. We’re now out on a mission to increase dog car safety, by highlighting products and companies that are making it easier and safer to harness your pets in the car. We recently had the opportunity to test out the Tru-Fit Smart Harness and Auto Zip Line from Kurgo and were pretty happy with the results.
Dog Hydration on the Go, a Review of the H2O4K9 Water Bottle
Keeping your dog hydrated is an extremely important part of ensuring that your dog is happy and healthy while both at home and on the road. Doing it at home is rather easy, just keep a bowl of fresh water around (not the toilet bowl) and they’ll drink when they’re thirsty. Doing it on the road though, can present any dog traveler with some tough challenges. Thankfully, H2O4K9 stepped up with a unique and innovative dog water bottle to make sure your dog stays hydrated while you travel.
Safe Dog Travel with Bergan Pet’s Dog Auto Harness
Safe dog travel in the car is a hot topic these days among many dog owners. After the state of New Jersey passed the “Pet Buckle Up Law”, it’s become a focus of many pet product manufacturers as well. Why shouldn’t we keep both our pets and drivers safe while in the car? Did you know that unrestrained pets cause 30,000 car accidents a year? We decided to take a look at what one leading manufacturer was doing to make sure we were keeping our two dogs safe while we road trip across the country. Bergan Pet Products kindly supplied us with a pair of their dog auto harnesses to test and review.
I Feel Pretty with Pet Head – A Dog Travel Gear Review
I am Zoe Bassart, the supermodel for TheConstantRambler. I need to look my best when traveling around the world. I need to smell nice so that everyone will stop and pet me. I like being pet. It’s the reason I travel! My humans make sure to keep me clean and pretty when on the road. They use Pet Head products to keep me at my best when I don’t have time to stop at my local salon. Here are my favorite dog travel gear items that always seem to end up in my doggie bag. :)