Over the last three and a half years of constant rambling, we’ve managed to accomplish something pretty awesome; we’ve visited and spent at least a night in all of the 48 contiguous lower States that make up the good ole USA! We thought we’d celebrate this momentous occasion by sharing just one photo of each state !
Category Archives: Travel Photogtaphy
America the Beautiful: Photos From Sea to Shining Sea
My husband Kenin and I spent the last 3-years traveling and blogging about it with tons of positive support from our friends and family. We’ve also met a lot of strangers and have made many new friends along the way. Whenever people first hear that we are full time travel bloggers, the first question we seem to get is “How many countries have you visited?” Well, in our case we have spent the last 3 years traveling around North America and road tripping has become our thing. We’ve since discovered that America is so vast and beautiful.
From coast to coast the country is immensely diverse and the landscape ever changing. We’ve spent a great amount of time slow traveling across this amazing land and still have so much that we wish to see. Here are a few photos of some of our favorite places that we think make the United States an amazing place for travel.

A Collection of The Best and Most Pinnable Travel Quotes
Who loves a great travel quote? I know I do! Travel quotes are a fantastic source of inspiration and do wonders to fill up the ole wanderlust machine. With that in mind I put together this collection of some of the best travel quotes I could find and made them sized and ready to be shared on Pinterest, Tumblr, or Facebook. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
#FriFotos – #White
It’s been quite a while since I have participated in #Frifotos, but when I heard that this week’s theme was #White, I found that I could resist. After all, we are currently in the Great #White North! Oh Canada!

This is a photo we took on the Dalton Highway in Alaska. You can read more about our Alaskan adventures here.