Whenever I travel outside the US, I always find it funny to see stores that look exactly like the American version with just a few changes. It’s as if they couldn’t think of a good idea on their own, so they just took an American idea and modified it to suit their needs. While China is by far the king of knock offs and knock off brands, you can also find many similarities much closer to home. Here is a collection of funny international knock off brands that I found while on a recent visit to Trinidad and Tobago.
Category Archives: Travel Tips
Road Trip Planner for Mount Rushmore, Badlands and Custer Park, SD
Visiting Mount Rushmore is on the top of many peoples “must-do” list when they are in the Rapid City, South Dakota area. Honestly though, while beautiful to look at, it’s not an attraction that can captivate your attention for an entire day. The good news is that there are lots of lovely sites to visit in the Black Hills area of South Dakota. We’ve put together this Road Trip Planner to show you our itinerary that took us through Mount Rushmore, Custer State Park, the Black Hills, and the Badlands!

Volkswagen Punch Buggy Game – Rambler Style!
When you road trip as often as we do this means that most of your life is spent in the car. Sometimes, that means up to 13 hours a day for us. What do we do with all that time? Just sitting in the car, staring out the window for hours on end can be enough to drive a person mad (not that some of us were all that sane to begin with :) ). You come up with creative road trip games to pass the minutes. The VW Punch Buggy Game is one of our favorites! Being huge Volkswagen fans, it is only natural that we would want to participate in this fun but sometimes brutal game. This is the “Constant Rambler” version of the popular road trip game.

6 Tips on How To Plan a Road Trip Route from the Experts!
If there’s one question I get most often when speaking with people about our extended road trips it has to be “How do you plan your long road trips ?”. Ok, I have to be honest here, the MOST frequent questions are “How do you spend that much time in your car?” and “Did you win the lottery?!?!!”, but road trip planning questions do make the top five list. :-) I have to admit it can be daunting, but over the years we’ve come up with a bit of a system. Here are our tips on how to plan a road trip route and keep it fun and adventurous!

Road Trip Attractions: A Collection of our Favorite Photos
While taking road trips across the backroads of America and Canada we’ve come across some rather unique, funny, or just odd roadside attractions. We went through our library and put together this photo compilation of road trip attractions for your enjoyment!