Custer State Park in South Dakota is one of my favorite places to visit. The park is rife with wildlife (teehee, that rhymes)and beautiful landscapes. We saw many different animals while driving through the park, but we had to stop and get out of our car to interact with these crazy lil’ guys :) The chipmunks of Custer State Park are quite a spunky bunch of characters!

Custer State Park was recommended to us by several people when we asked for places to visit to spot wildlife on our Florida to Alaska road trip. The park did not disappoint. There were so many different kinds of animals, but the chipmunks that greeted us when we first entered the park were some of my all-time favorite! They were everywhere and there were so many of them. They showed no fear as they ran right up to the camera and smiled. :D

This is an amazing video of my new friends. It shows the playful nature of these very adorable creatures.

I wanted to scoop them all up and take them home with me. I am sure the park rangers would not have been all to happy about me trying such a thing.

I had no idea my love of chipmunks could or would rival my love of squirrels. We don’t have chipmunks in Miami, Fl so I did not know how elated a little fuzzball like this could make a person.

They were so friendly and would just run right up to the camera and if you stood still long enough they would even run all over you. This was probably one of my favorite things about Custer State Park.

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Love, love LOVE!! I see chipmunks all the time but they always scurry away so fast! Boys are gonna make me watch this video a million times! Have to make a visit!
Awesome! The crazy part was standing still for a while and having them crawl up you leg. It would be freaky if they weren’t so cute.
OH MAN!! That is way too many rodents way too close for comfort! Fun to watch on the video, but had that been me, I would have been totally freaking out! :)
There was a lady in another car behind us that stopped, opened her door, then slammed it shot and refused to get out while her husband was looking at them. It was hilarious. :-) I have to admit, it was a little startling when they crawled up my jeans.
How adorable! I’ve only seen chipmunks when I went to Colorado I think. We don’t really have them here in Texas, just squirrels. These chipmunks seem much nicer than squirrels!
They are normally pretty hard to spot, I was shocked when they were so friendly. We have some friendly squirrels here in Florida, but only if you feed them :-)
Adorable! We love chipmunks and squirrels – we have squirrels at home in B.C. that are pretty tame, but we don’t have chipmunks. We’ve seen tame chipmunks like this in Nevada, in Red Rock Canyon. They will sit on your knee and eat from your hand there as well. One of our favorite things to do when we visit Las Vegas!
We have lots of squirrels in Florida, but no chipmunks either. They were so cute. I imagine they would have been even more friendly if we had fed them, but sadly we had no food.