People ask us all the time why we don’t frequently travel outside of North America. There is a pretty simple answer to this, yet people find it hard to wrap their minds around it. We made a commitment. What is a commitment? Well, it’s a state or quality of being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc., and I made a commitment to my pet(s).

A commitment shouldn’t mean less because you make it to your pets. I’ve had both of these doggies since they were pups and when Kenin and I decided to get dogs, we made a commitment to have them forever. A commitment, no matter how big or small, speaks to your character. If you don’t think you can keep up with your commitment, maybe you shouldn’t have made it in the first place. We have the opportunity to join many of our friends all over the world, but we choose to stay in North America because we are committed. We have traveled with these two all over the North American continent. They have seen more of the world than most people I know. Punkin passed away last year, one day before his 13th birthday. I miss him every single day, but he had the absolute best life a doggie could have and we loved him ’til his very end.

Dogs can’t travel the world the same way humans do. I refuse to have my pet stored in cargo like excess luggage. I refuse to quarantine my dog for months at a time. Months can seem like forever to a dog and quarantines can be harsh, expensive, and filthy. I will travel however Zoe is most comfortable and keep her happy. She didn’t ask us to adopt her. That was our choice and we don’t take that lightly. I will give her the best life possible and have her see the world with us. I will have her at my side until the very end. My dogs have brought so much joy and comfort to my life that this is the least I can do… keep my commitment.

Zoe is 12 this year! She makes new friends every couple of weeks. She spends her days napping in the car with us, hiking and walking with us, and eating our fancy leftovers. She is my constant companion and I refuse to leave her side. Forever means forever and I intend to keep my commitment to her! The world will still be there tomorrow and Kenin and I will get our feet into other continents soon enough. Until then, I will stand by my word and travel with my Zoe at my side where ever I can take her.

Very sweet about your dogs! Even if it’s only in North America, you (and your dogs!) are still doing a lot more travel than some people who go out of the country!
Great post! Though we haven’t been traveling due to my husband’s health, this is exactly why (when we did) we stuck to North American, too: our dogs. They went with us and we wouldn’t have had it any other way. Love the photos and I had no idea Zoe was a senior!
I admire you for putting so much heart into it and being so committed to your pets.
I face the same fate. I can’t leave my 3 dogs.
I also travel with my dog a lot. I love taking him to new places as he has a great sense of adventure. People often think it is silly that I take him everywhere with me but I can’t imagine exploring without him!
I think it’s great that you stick to N. American travel for your pets. I feel the same way, putting my Husky in the belly of a plane is just too harsh! She’d be miserable & I’d worry sick about her every hour. There’s plenty to see & do on this great continent of ours! Pumpkin was a beautiful dog, I know how you feel. their pawprints stay on our hearts forever & remind us every day of their unconditional love. I’ve enjoyed my first visit to your blog!
Cathy Armato
Your pooches are SO cute! I would love to have a dog of my own, but I’m not quite ready for that level of commitment. Someday!
I could never just up and travel the world for a year– not just because I have a job I love but because I have a precious chihuahua! When I do leave for abroad, I only leave her with my mom where she is cuddled non-stop, she has no idea what kennels are and never will, I don’t think she would surivive 10 minutes. I always look for pet friendly hotels in the US– even if it means not staying in the one I want to. What really irks me are enormous pet fees for a 4 pound dog incapable of damage!
Well done! Yeah I have two old dogs and I would not leave them! Lovely photos of your dog!