I love my dogs! I love having them by my side everyday. If I could, I would take them everywhere with me. Zoe and Punkin have been on countless vacations with me. They have climbed mountains and waded in oceans with me right by their side. They fill my heart with joy and I cannot picture my life without them …with that being said though, I have to confess that I have a cheating heart! I suffer from a severe malady – Puppy Love! I need dog snogs and I don’t care where I get them! :(

This not-so-common disease is something I am pretty certain I was born with. I am overcome by a great sense of shame. I cannot see something fluffy without taking pause. The urge to pet a cute dog overwhelms me.

This malady has been a constant cloud over my head. I’ve been known to stop people all over just to give their dogs some love. Most of the time I barely make contact with the human pet owners. Canine cuddles are what I want!

Even when visiting friends, I have been known to sneak in dog snogs with their furry friends. This is Zeus. We had some amazing snuggle time. Zeus is a Mastiff and was one of the most gentle creatures I have ever encountered.

Kenin and I had some shopping to do while on our last trip. I was completely focused on getting some new shoes when out of nowhere, a cute dog! Seriously, who let’s a dog work in a store? This was more than my little heart could handle. I had to pet her.

While hiking through the Badlands with Kenin, we came across this Great Dane and his little friend. He wanted to snog me so hard. Who am I to say no?!? :)

I stopped to get some lunch at a diner near Lake Kluane and came across this new friend. She looked so lonely outside the restaurant. I couldn’t just walk by her and leave her feeling unloved. Zoe and Punkin would understand.

People may wonder how I sleep at night. Do I have remorse for all of the cheating I have done, sometimes even in the presence of my own dogs? I sleep just fine :) warm and snuggled between my loves. I may stray and I may even have brief periods of intense love for others, but my heart belongs to Zoe and Punkin. <3

I have the same malady… and I hope there is no cure! :-)
I also hope for no cure, though i have to admit it does slow down our travels a bit :) I guess some people stop and smell the roses, but i stop and pet the fluffies!
OMG – Be still my cheating heart! I’m SO with you on this one. ;)
We have Huskies at home, and I still all but give myself whiplash when we drive by someone with a dog in their car or out for a walk with their four-legged fur-baby. It’s not even something I *hope* to cure.
There is no cure, so just go with it :-)
I have the dog fever too
Can’t leave my 3 pets so I can’t take a vacation.