Everyone knows that Zoe goes just about everywhere with us. She is an extremely well-traveled pooch. Sometimes though, we go overseas or fly domestically and can’t take Zoe with us. I refuse to force her to fly and quarantine in another country is out of the question. So, can what do we do when Zoe can’t vacation with us? Now we can book her a vacation of her own with DogVacay!

We hate kenneling Zoe when we fly or when we are visiting a destination that isn’t pet friendly. Kennels and boarding facilities are usually super crowded and noisy during the holidays, and sometimes it’s hard to even get a spot. On top of that Zoe never really seems all that happy when we pick her up from a boarding facility as she doesn’t get enough TLC.
We also try to not burden our wonderful friends and family with pet-sitting the diva when we are away. Most of them are also traveling to visit friends and family over the holidays and having an additional pooch to take care of (even a super cute one) can be a chore.
Recently, we found the ultimate service for pampered pooches whose owners need to travel. As you know we’ve always been a fan of housesitting, but sometimes it’s just not safe or practical to have a house sitter stay in your home with your pet. It’s called DogVacay and it’s an online community that connects dog owners with our 20,000 vetted and insured pet sitters across North America, ready to care for your K-9 companion like a member of their own family in a loving home.
With DogVacay the benefits are immediately obvious. Instead of leaving your doggy pal in a crowded facility where she won’t get the love she deserves, or giving a stranger access to your home and valuables, you can connect with a loving pet owner that will take care of your pooch in their own home. That means your doggy gets personal love and attention, as well as the chance to meet a new doggy friend in town.
The process of booking a DogVacay is super safe and easy too. All you do is visit the website and input your zip code and you’ll get a list of hosts in your area. Then you set up a meet n’ greet with your host, so you can make sure that the accommodations are perfect for your pampered pooch. Once you are satisfied with your host and venue, you just go back online and book the reservation. The best part though is the fact that you’ll get daily photo “pup dates” showing how much fun your doggy is having while having the security of knowing that each Vacay is covered with free pet insurance and 24/7 customer care.
The other really cool part, is that you can also sign up to become a DogVacay host. The process is super simple and is a great way to earn some extra cash while enjoying the company of other peoples pets. All you have to do is create an online profile, set your rates, and then decide which pet sits suit you. After that DogVacay takes care of all the rest.
If you’re interested in trying out DogVacay this winter, we’ve got a special deal for you. All you need to do is use the coupon code “RAMBLER” between now and 1/31/2015 and you’ll save $10 off your first doggie vacation.
So what are you waiting for? Click here to start booking a DogVacay of your own.
note:while this post was sponsored by DogVacay all opinions of the service are our own.
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I love the idea of sending my dog to another home. This way my dog with get the attention she usually gets while at home, and she gets the same comfort that she would get at home. I think sending my dog to a dog vacation would allow me on my vacation to enjoy it more knowing my dog is properly cared for.