While on our way to the Grand Canyon, we made a planned stop in the small junction town of Williams, Arizona where State Rt 64 & Hwy 180 intersect. Flintstones Bedrock City was mentioned to us by a very good friend and we valued his recommendation (and I really loved the cartoon growing up). Kenin and I set off very early in the morning to get there and check out the “Bedrock City”. We were not disappointed and just had to share it with the world!

Flintstones Bedrock City AZ has turned out to be one of my all-time favorite roadside attractions (so far). It is actually licensed by Hanna-Barbera so all of the statues and drawings are pretty authentic. When you first walk in, you pass through the gift shop/cafeteria. Once you walk outdoors, there is an entire prehistoric city to behold. This attraction was opened in 1972 and was built in just 11 months. There was a crew of just 13 people building and painting the structures. The facility is run by Linda Speckels and Gina Speckels. On occasion, you can find Linda’s grandson Brandon diligently working behind the counter in the cafeteria. Brandon is always willing to stop and give you a history of the place so don’t be afraid to stop in and say “hi”.

They even have a dino slide.

I was filled with joy when I found Barney Rubble and realized that I was taller than him. This does not happen often in my world.

Kenin got a real kick out of all of the prehistoric vehicles.

They even had a tricycle. I would take this out for a spin if it were street legal :)

All in all, this was a stop that I did not regret making. We had a great time playing in the city of Bedrock. It completely made me feel like a kid again. I could feel myself going back in time and waking up for Saturday morning cartoons with a bowl of cereal in my lap waiting to have a Yabba-Dabba-Doo time.

When you stop at Bedrock City, make sure to have fun, but also follow the rules! You don’t want to end up in Bedrock jail like this gal over here :)

We really enjoyed visiting this small attraction in Williams, AZ. For us it was the perfect road trip diversion! When we visited, they had done significant rehab work in the park and were planning a whole lot more soon. At the time of our visit admission was only $5 per adult and children under the age of 2 are free. For more pictures check out the gallery at the bottom of the post. They don’t have a website, but you can get more information on their Facebook page here: Flintstones Bedrock City AZ.
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Some of the places I’ve been in the natural world – like Joshua Tree – always remind me of the Flintstones. Sounds like a fun side trip.
Leigh, it was fun and well worth the price of admission :)
When I was a kid we went to Bedrock City in Kelowna, British Columbia but it was demolished years ago. I’m glad to see there’s another Bedrock City somewhere I could visit in the future.
Alouise, You are going to have to travel to Arizona and visit the Bedrock City here on your way to the Grand Canyon :)
Haha! I adore this post! It brings back so much nostalgia! I’m actually planning to make a stop at Flinstone’s Bedrock City on my Grand Canyon trip this weekend.
Really? That’s awesome! Are you hitting Wupatki and Sunset Crater too?
How early did you go?