I had no intention of recapping our 2013 on our blog, then the team at #Frifotos choose #BestOf2013 as this week’s category, and we are guest hosting so here goes! Kenin and I had the most roller coaster year of our lives in 2013. It was amazing and emotional. We took over 50,000 photos this year and I’m not sure exactly how I can choose from them, but here is a brief recap of our tumultuous year.

We started off 2013 in our hometown of Miami sipping champagne with friends while watching the magnificent orange drop.

We attended a wedding in California and gained a new sister.

We had the opportunity to attend our first Pet Expo in Orlando.

We became location independent (homeless) and sold our loft in Florida.

We said goodbye to a very dear friend. Nothing will ever be able to fill the hole he left in my heart, but I have millions of memories of him and he will never be forgotten.

We also attended our first Bloggers Conference in Toronto.

We kissed on a different continent.

We rallied.

We raced.

We relaxed.

We took many sunset cruises.

We made so many new friends.

And played like little kids with old friends.

Took in some Civil War history with a fellow blogger and his fabulous wife.

Made our wanderlusting goal a little more permanent with 10-year wedding anniversary tattoos.

Saw a panda at the Smithsonian. They only let you watch :( No hugging allowed!

We climbed some Red Rocks.

Trekked through one major canyon (guess which one).

Danced on mountains.

And had a very white Christmas.

We spent New Year’s Eve in Calgary this year. We wanted to end the old year and bring in the New Year with a bang. We got all gussied up and attended a masquerade ball here in Canada. Not to gloat or anything, but we make one fine looking couple! :D

All in all, our 2013 was filled with so many friends and so much love. It was our best year yet, and 2014 will be even better :) Looking forward to seeing all of your pretty faces in the New Year all around the World! Love you all… The Constant Ramblers
WOW…what an epic year! Had so much fun with you two at TBEX and I really hope we cross paths again in 2014 :)
I like the way you wrote this post as well, rather than just choosing a single photo. I feel like I have traveled thousands of miles with ya now ;)
BTW the last few times I’ve commented your CommentLuv has given me an error on both my sites, which I’ve included below. Haven’t seen this error on anyone else’s blog but appears not to be affecting everyone b/c there were comments with CL on your last post. Anyway, just wanted to let y’all know. Happy January!
Error. Parsing JSON Request failed. error! not authorized 2098278aed
Hopefully we will at some point Derek, and next time we need more than 48 hours of hangout time. Thanks for the update on the CL, I’ll take a look.