This weeks #FriFotos is all about #Fall! Fall is quickly becoming one of my favorite times of the year. Being from Trinidad and living most of my life in Florida, fall is not something I really ever had the chance to fully experience. Since I started traveling, I can now see what all the fuss is about. Two of my favorite things take place in fall, my wedding anniversary, and Halloween. Here are a few of my new-found fall memories :)

‘Tis the season! Pumpkin beer is my favorite thing about fall. Most people are all about the fattening lattes and pies, but not me! Oh no, not me. I am all about the pumpkin beer. There are so many good ones out there and it is my life mission to try them all.

Coming out to munch on the falling foliage. Amazing critters everywhere are preparing for winter.

Watching squirrels is one of my favorite activities. I get giddy during fall watching them bury acorns and run around like they are all hopped up on meth. I have been known to chase them, but alas, I have yet to catch one.

This deer was seen munching on some flowers. Times like this make me pretty happy I don’t have a garden.

The many amazing colors of the leaves, something you will not get to see in Florida. :)

Santa sighting! He is just hanging out getting some rest before his busy season begins. Everyone needs some time off.

I hope you enjoyed this mini tribute to the season as much as I did!
I love Fall too. I love staring at the leaves as they fall from the tree. Or a sight of a tree with leaves scattered around it. It makes me feel serene for some reason.