This weeks #Frifotos is #love, my all-time favorite subject. I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to let my inner hippie hang out a little. While jamming out to The Cure’s “It’s Friday i’m in #love”, I spent the morning scrolling through a few thousand photos to pick a few that represent the #love in my life.

I learned how to #love from my parents. Our family was always small and broken, but good, yeah, still good. They loved us unconditionally and there is nothing on this planet my parents wouldn’t do for their children.

My brother takes up a huge spot in my heart. He lives in Trinidad, so I don’t see him nearly as often as I would like, but I know that he loves me and I love him. We are definitely two peas from the same pod, or two nuts from the same tree would probably be more appropriate.

Zoe Bassart! Who wouldn’t love this face??? There has never been a day where her love hasn’t been able to pull me out of sadness. She lights up my whole life.

This is Britney. Our constant readers should be familiar with her by now. She is like the mastercard of cars. Takes me everywhere I want to be! She has kept me safe through rain, sleet, sun, and snow (guess she is also like the post office :) ).

People will look at this photo and get a glimpse into an ugly side of me. I know I was just married and all, but I barely even notice Kenin in this photo. CAKE! I <3 cake! And yes, Kenin walked away from this event with all of his fingers. He has great experience with me and cake :D

What do I #love more than cake? Well, very few things make the list, but naps are high up there. I love a good nap, in the car, in my bed, on the couch, on a plane. I can nap just about anywhere. Heaven to me would be a place where I can eat cake and nap simultaneously!

Nothing in this world feels better than being loved. Loving is great, but it’s best when reciprocated.

My life has been a pretty rockin’ roller coaster over the past year now. I am extremely greatful to have the #love of my life by my side every day doing things that I never thought I would be able to do. He will even put on a sexy helmet and ride a segway (and let himself be photographed) while looking like a complete dork with me. #Love is loving and showing love no matter who’s looking.

On a much more serious note, #love is something I believe in whole heartedly. I might be a hippie at heart, but I love truly, deeply, and freely. I believe if you love someone or something, you should be able to shout it from the rooftops. If you love freely, it really can make someone’s world turn. If you love deeply it can change someone’s life. If you love truly, it can change yours! Much love to you! :)
If you Loved this #FriFotos Post about #Love, take a look at some of these other related posts.
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Hi Lauren,
You just made my day – heck — you made my week! Thanks for your bravery in letting out your emotions so eloquently.
Love you back, Girlfriend!
This comment just made my week as well. Amazing how love works like a boomerang and just comes right back :) I made a promise to my husband when we started this blog, “I am not fearless, but I will always be brave!”
What a LOVE-ly tribute :-)
I love cakes too! LOL
This is a cute Post, I love it :D
Vira, there isn’t much I wouldn’t do for a good slab of cake :)
You guys are too cute! Love this post. :)
Wow, seriously beautiful post, I honestly was a bit choked up, a bit watery eyed even.