The word West can conjure up many images and feelings. In America the word West is usually used in the context of an adventure as in “venturing out to the Wild West” or “heading out West” to find oneself. It goes back to the early days of our country when the West was a wild and untamed land that needed to be conquered by cowboys and ranchers. Even today, there are many portions of Americas west that appeal to this same sense of unrestricted freedom and wide-openness. We’ve had the opportunity to spend some time in the West, and wanted to share it with you as part of this weeks #FriFotos.
Imagery of America’s West is dominated by the ranchers and cattlemen (and women) that put their lives at stake to settle the vast territory from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean.

They are often accompanied by images of their chosen mode of transport, the covered wagon.

Of course, we all know that ranchers weren’t the only settlers of the West. Before their arrival, it was home to tribes of Native Americans. Sadly, all that remains of their deep culture are a few icons that symbolize their existence.

The Wild West was fraught with many outlaws and criminals, there are still many tributes to the saloons and jail cells they spent much of their time in.

The west was also famous for its steer and cattle drives. Sadly, many lives were lost on these long and arduous journeys.

Of course, no conversation about the West would be complete without a nod to Texas and the infamous Battle of the Alamo.

The West was about more than cowboys and ranchers though. There were also railroads, which factored largely into the development of many small towns that turned into major American cities over the years.

To me though, there is much more to the West than just this. The West still represents that wild open space where you’ll find exotic landscapes and no people for miles.

You can still find places where the animals roam free, unhindered by people and their inventions.

Of course no matter where in the world you are, there is one thing that is always constant. Without fail, the sun will rise in the East and it will set in the West. So, as in life, we’ll look to the West watch the sun set.

Love all the diversity of photos from the West. It’s such an amazing (huge!) place.
Wonderful photo essay!
What a fun post. I love America and anything typically American like this. We did a three week roadtrip around the Southwest in 2011 and it was fantastic. So pretty, so diverse, so vast. The people were friendly and the food was phenomenal!
Well put! Nice interpretation of FriFoto’s #West. Makes me feel a little bit patriotic. (Only just a little bit.) :)
Loved the cowgirl in South Dakota and of course the Alamo! By the way I had issues with your StumbleUpon and YouTube links. FYI mi amigos! Safe Travels!!!
Thanks Mike, the links are fixed!