Beer, nectar of the gods, sweet ambrosia, thirst quenching goodness that comes in so many forms. Everyone knows that we are huge fans of the craft beer movement. At The Constant Rambler, we travel far and wide to seek out the best brews from all over the world. We stumbled into this heavenly little brewery in Jacksonville, FL and were wonderfully surprised by the extensive selection of beautiful brews. Follow your Intuition (see what I did there) and grab a cold one at Intuition Ale Works.

We did a quick, informal tour of this great little brewery. I was impressed to see how many different beers they make. A complete list of their brews can be found here as their selection changes regularly.
Walking through the brewery, past all of these shiny containers filled with what would soon be beer was very difficult for me. The smell of hops wafting through my nostrils, the sound of fresh water flowing through the pipes, it was sensory overload. I just wanted to lie down and open the taps, but I resisted. Soon though…very soon. It’s almost ready.

Then I walked by this guy on the wall. You can truly appreciate the vibe of a brewery by their wall art. This viking was standing there so casually while chugging down a cold one. I couldn’t take it any longer. It was time…time to belly up to the cozy Intuition Ale Works bar and give in to my thirst.
I placed my order and the barkeep lined ’em up like little soldiers ready for battle. All that dark delicious elixir just waiting for me to drink. The condensation on the glass slowly forming and taunting me, oh and the light guy on the end standing out, oh I wouldn’t worry about that guy. He went down nice and easy just like the rest of ’em!

Get yourself over to Intuition Ale Works in for a brew or two. Their selection of beers is plentiful and well-rounded. These are folks that truly understand the craft beer movement. It’s no wonder they made it on our list of things to do in Jacksonville, FL.
Details for Intuition Ale Works Jacksonville, FL
720 King St
Jacksonville, FL 32204
I am in Thailand right now and there is a lack of good beer….looks awesome!
Hmm..what an interesting beer sight to see. Ive never seen a dark beer before. I wonder how it tastes. But Im sure there’s nothing better than a taste of freshly brewed beer.
I am yet to gulp down a beer down my throat! Haha :-) I am a wine person.