Ambrosia thy name is coffee! Coffee is necessary for ramblin’ and we take our coffee very, very seriously. We even travel with many devices to brew our own and we always have a bag of beans in the car. That being said, we love nothing more than finding a great local coffee shop to savor the flavors of a perfect morning brew without us having to do the work. Little Amps in Harrisburg, PA saved us from having to brew our own and put the pep in our step with their caffeinated concoctions.
Little Amps is a quaint little coffee shop in downtown Harrisburg, PA. It’s not just a regular ole coffee shop though, it’s also a record store. Put two of the things I love most in this world in the same room, offer me free wi-fi, a comfortable place to chill, and I will never leave.

Little Amps passed my palette test with their signature delicious ginger and orange zest coffee appropriately named “Uptown Ginger Brown” It was so well balanced with sweetness and a hint of spicy. I absolutely adored the out-of-the-box thinking from whoever created this cup of deliciousness.

As any serious connoisseur of coffee will tell you, the secret to a fantastic cup o’ joe always starts with the freshest beans possible. You can tell the folks at Little Amps take their java seriously as this roaster is more than just a display piece. That’s right they roast their own beans in-house ensuring a level of quality and freshness that’s hard to beat.

This cortado was one of the best I’ve ever had. I didn’t even need to put sugar in it. It was creamy and tasty, not to mention beautifully presented. The folks here at Little Amps really take the extra time and energy to make your coffee experience a real event.

Kenin’s favorite part of the shop was the little rack of vinyl. Both of us are music lovers and can spend hours upon hours in a music store. Being able to sip a cup of joe and finger our way through a stack of vinyl made for a choice morning. The vinyl isn’t there just to please hipsters and hippies though, the founder of Little Amps has a background in the music industry and he’s just sharing his passion with the world.

Our trip to Little Amps was a perfect way to start our trek into Harrisburg. Amped up and ready to explore the city, but we will see you again soon Little Amps…very soon indeed!
Details for Little Amps Coffee Roasters
1836 Green St
Harrisburg, PA 17102
Hi Lauren,
So cool. An old school roaster.
I roasted coffee beans for a few years in college, doing an overnight bit. I’d stop in 2 or 3 nights weekly, drag the huge bags of raw beans up from the basement, then I’d load that sucker up and roast away.
My clothes smelled of coffee, for good. Roasting brought out a wonderful aroma but I simply couldn’t get it out of my jeans and shirts, and since I didn’t feel like smelling as if I was a coffee bean whenever I went out, I devoted a few items of clothing to coffee roasting, and tossed ’em out when I retired from the roasting days.
I never drank the stuff once before roasting and even when I worked in the coffee shop during the day I didn’t drink coffee much. Some years later I became addicted, mildly, and I simply had to kick the normal habit because I’m sensitive to caffeine and yes, decaf coffee too. Something mental I suppose ;)
But I do love a cup as a treat here and there, with a bit of sugar and some nice heavy cream. More of a dessert type thing for me….but I can’t drink it past 11 AM or I’ll be up until 6 AM the next day…the stuff is like cocaine in my hyper tuned, energizer bunny, go-go-go body.
Great review Lauren. I’ll tweet this through Triberr.
Looks like a very cool coffee shop to visit! Love the design they put into it! Thanks for sharing!
They roast their own beans? I can only imagine the smells!!