Mother’s Day is upon us once again. Mother’s Day is always tough here in our house. My mother lives over 1500 miles away and Kenin’s mother passed away very early in our relationship. This doesn’t deter us from celebrating all of the mothers in our lives though. We still appreciate every mother we know and the time and effort they put into raising great kids. This Mother’s Day, I wanted to take pause from our travel writing and pay tribute to the lady that brought me into this world, my mother! Narisha Khan, this post is for you – Celebrating Mother’s Day Rambler Style!! Love ya mummy!

It’s funny when I think back on it, the best thing I could ever do for my mother to show her how much I appreciated her was to give her the world, because that is what she means to me.

I tried to take her to a different place whenever she came to visit me. She currently lives in Trinidad, so I don’t get to see her anywhere near as often as I would like. Kenin and I surprised her by taking her to Boston (from Miami) for Mother’s Day a few years ago. We told her she was getting a special dinner, we just didn’t say where. :)

We also took her with us on our first trip to Alaska. She still tells everyone she meets that we did this, so I guess it was a good thing. While in Alaska, we took a helicopter tour and landed on a glacier. I think she wanted to pilot the copter.

This is us on a glacier in Alaska. I can honestly say that this was one of the best moments of my life (hopefully mom’s as well).

Kenin and I lived in Pennsylvania for a few months, and when she came to visit us we surprised her with a train ride into NYC. We had dinner then took the train back.

I am not the only one that likes to plan surprises. On one of my last trips home, my mom surprised me with breakfast at the airport. Then we took the short flight to Tobago and had drinks on the beach.

We spent so much money on so many materialistic things in our lives, but the one thing that I never ever regret, is the money spent on travel. Take your mom (or borrow a mom :) ) somewhere today. It doesn’t have to be a trip across the globe, it can be something as simple as a small meal in a nearby town. Get out into the world with the people you love and experience something new together!
What a lovely tribute! You looks so much alike, you and your mom. I better get on the ball for mine now!
Thanks Ange, Love that you left India in your commentluv :) We are heading to New Delhi this summer!
Thank You . This was a nice surprise
It’s great that you and your mom get to have a lot of fun together, even though you live far away. You had some fantastic surprises planned for her!