We came across this herd of Reindeer (aka Caribou) while driving towards the North Pole in Canada’s Yukon :-) Looks like we know where Santa gets his team from!

We came across this herd of Reindeer (aka Caribou) while driving towards the North Pole in Canada’s Yukon :-) Looks like we know where Santa gets his team from!
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Hey, I wonder what caribou meat tastes like? Where is Sarah Palin when I need her to shoot me a reindeer!
It’s actually delicious. I think we saw Sarah Palin while on the Coast of Alaska. She had a pair of binoculars and was still trying to spot Russia :-)
So adorable! I want to go to Yukon and head toward the North Pole too! :) Keep having fun :)
The last photo is cute. He seems curious when you took the photo. :)
Michael, It’s funny that you noticed that. Whenever we stop to look at wildlife, we can usually see them stop for a moment and assess us before going back to their regular business. Occasionally one will just stop and stare at us with the same look of wonder we are giving them:-)