Keystone Colorado turned out to be so fabulous that we decided to book another day. Between the new friends we had made and the incredible feeling of relaxation we couldn’t bring ourselves to leave just yet. It rolled back the rest of our trip but we had only booked the next two days anyhow.

Kenin and I started our day in Keystone with a jog that lasted all of 5 minutes. We quickly learned that jogging at 10,000 feet was nothing like jogging at sea level. We settled for a romantic stroll around the resort instead. We showered up and decided to go into the nearby town of Dillon for some shopping and lunch.
We stopped for lunch at a fantastic local taco joint called Chimayo. Kenin had the fish tacos and I had a guacamole burger. Stuffed to almost bursting we left the restaurant and went back to the resort for a dip in the rooftop hot tub.
The view from the top of the resort’s roof was amazing. we relaxed and soothed or muscles. We didn’t realize how sore we were from the driving and hiking until the warm bubbles hit us. After the big lunch and dip in the hot tub we slipped back into our room for a much needed nap. Having the extra day with no activities planned had completely paid off.
Waking up refreshed we decided to head out for a nice drive. On the way in to Keystone we took the tunnel, which brought us under the mountains and the continental divide. We decided to take a drive out to Loveland Pass which is the alternate route over the top of the continental divide. This drive zipped up to the top of the 11,990 peak along winding roads with some great switchbacks. Ken had a great time driving and was downright giddy. We got out of the car at the viewing area at the peak and stared snapping pictures when I realized I was shivering. Apparently, even in the middle of the day, in Mid-July, it can get to 45 degrees. I was completely unprepared for this and got back in the car while Kenin took some shots and hiked around a bit.
On our way down the mountain it started to rain pretty heavily. Luckily we go to the bottom of the mountains safely, because just then a hail storm hit. Hail the size of quarters fell from the sky for about 15 minutes. Then suddenly, as quickly as the storm started, the sun came out again. It completely amazed me how fast the weather changed while in Colorado.
After our adventure up to the peak, our friends were done working for the day so we met up with them for one final night. We decided to have a mid-summer barbecue and then just hang out, watch some tv and chat. The topic of my list of 30-things came up, which hadn’t been completed as of yet, and Sarah gave us a great idea for a “jumping photo”. We spent the rest of the evening telling stories and joking around and then headed back to our resort, bellies full of BBQ, and minds full of laughter ready for the next days adventure.