The Constant Rambler takes you across North America in this amazing series of wildlife photos. This is a small collection of some of our favorite wildlife photos from our travels. Enjoy! :)
Tag Archives: Animals
Canoeing Down The Delaware – The Dog Days are Just Beginning
The Poconos Mountains are a fabulous place to go for a romantic weekend. Do you know what also makes for a great romantic weekend? Weimaraners! Okay so maybe not, but Zoe insisted on joining us for our weekend getaway to the Poconos and as always she also insisted that she firmly plant her fuzzy butt right in the middle of everything. While on our fabulous romantic getaway to the Poconos, Kenin and I decided to take an intimate canoe trip down the gorgeous Delaware River. Luckily for Zoe, the folks at Kittatinny Canoes love dogs just as much as we do so they didn’t mind her tagging along on our romantic river ride.

Kayaking the Chemung River in the Finger Lakes, NY
The Finger Lakes region of Upstate, NY is most famous for its wineries that produce a wide variety of mostly sweet white wines. A visit to the area is typically associated with weekends spent indulging in too much of the sweet stuff while trying to visit as many of the wineries as possible. Much to our surprise, it turns out that the area has a lot more to offer, especially if you love the outdoors. So when we were fortunate enough to be invited to take a trip kayaking the Chemung River in Elmira, NY with Southern Tier Kayaking Tours, you can bet we jumped at the chance to take in some beautiful scenery and clean fresh air.
Leatherback Turtles of Trinidad – Conservation of a Prehistoric Giant
As a child, my parents took me to see the leatherback turtles on Matura beach in my homeland of Trinidad. It was an experience that has traveled with me through all my years. I would recant my adventures to my husband over and over again about the times when I was a wee little thing running along the beach with my older brother stopping to watch these majestic creatures come ashore to lay their eggs at night.

Calgary Zoo – From Flood to Flourish!
Like a mighty phoenix rising up from the ashes, the Calgary Zoo soars to new heights to save it’s tails. Okay, this may seem a bit dramatic, but after witnessing the total devastation that the flood of 2013 had on the Calgary Zoo this June, you have to have a serious respect for the people that shed there blood, sweat and tears rebuilding the zoo.