Weird. Wacky. Eccentric. Wonderful. Junky. All of these words have been used to describe the Abita Mystery House (aka the UCM Museum) in the Louisiana North Shore community of Abita Springs. After spending some time there I can assure you that all of them are 100% accurate. Prior to our arrival in the area we heard musings about this roadside attraction that is self-described as “Louisiana’s Most Eccentric Atttraction” but we absolutely weren’t prepared for what awaited us behind it’s bright red door…
Tag Archives: Funny
Tales from the Toilet Bowl: Confessions of a Full Time Traveler
Everyone assumes that our travels are all fun and adventure. They see our pretty photographs on Facebook and read our blog and think “Wow, those Ramblers have quite the life!” Well, we do. However, we do have our bad moments just like everyone else. Our blog and social media acts as a highlight real of sorts. Here are a few examples of Ramblin’ moments where things didn’t go quite as planned. After all, we are human and err just as much as anyone else.
The Constant Rambler – Behind The Scenes :) #rambleon
Everyone that knows me know that I basically travel full time now. I am always somewhere new doing something different and trying to get the most out of my life. The fact that I get to do this full time with the loves of my life (Kenin and Zoe) make this pretty Utopic for me. While traveling, we take thousands of photos for TheConstantRambler. We only use about 10 photos when we do a post. All of the inappropriate, cheeky ones get left behind. :( Here is a great behind the scenes look at a day in the life of a constant rambler. This is pretty much our “b-roll” of photos that we took along the way but were not appropriate for specific posts. :) Enjoy!

Funny International Knock Off Brands
Whenever I travel outside the US, I always find it funny to see stores that look exactly like the American version with just a few changes. It’s as if they couldn’t think of a good idea on their own, so they just took an American idea and modified it to suit their needs. While China is by far the king of knock offs and knock off brands, you can also find many similarities much closer to home. Here is a collection of funny international knock off brands that I found while on a recent visit to Trinidad and Tobago.
Road Trip Attractions: A Collection of our Favorite Photos
While taking road trips across the backroads of America and Canada we’ve come across some rather unique, funny, or just odd roadside attractions. We went through our library and put together this photo compilation of road trip attractions for your enjoyment!