I first heard of the Thundershirt from a friend of mine. I was telling him a story about how Zoe, our Weimaraner, likes to hide in the bathtub during thunderstorms. He mentioned the Thundershirt as a product he had seen that was supposed to relax and calm dogs that were scared of thunder. A few months later, we met with a Thundershirt rep while at Global Pet Expo. We started talking about the Thundershirt, and how it cold help pets with all types of anxiety including travel anxiety. With that thought in mind we put together this Thundershirt Review to see how well it worked .
Tag Archives: Punkin
Punkin’s Protest : A Dog’s Perspective on Car Travel
Photos of Scarecrow Festival – A Dog Day in Illinois
Scarecrow festival is a fall festival that occurs in the city of St Charles, Illinois. St Charles is about an hour outside of Chicago, where the humans wanted to go for a night on the town. The highlight of the festival is scarecrow making and judging, but I like the mini-dog races. My people took lots of photos of our Dog Day!

Pet Friendly Travel Tips: How To Prepare Your Hotel Room For Your Dogs
We travel with our dogs whenever we can. Zoe and Punkin have seen more of the United States than most humans I know. Sometimes when we venture out on the town, we have to leave them in the hotel. We make it so comfortable for them, that sometimes they don’t even seem to notice that we are gone. Here are a few pet friendly travel tips on how to keep your dogs happy and quiet when leaving them in hotels. All it takes is a few minutes to prepare your pet friendly hotel room and they should be ready to go!