The concept of conservation and protecting Mother Nature is rather slow moving in some parts of the world. Sometimes though, there is someone that is so far ahead of their time, they don’t really even know that they are starting a movement. This holds true when you look at Asa Wright and her Asa Wright Nature Centre on the beautiful twin island nation of Trinidad and Tobago.
Tag Archives: Trinidad
Leatherback Turtles of Trinidad – Conservation of a Prehistoric Giant
As a child, my parents took me to see the leatherback turtles on Matura beach in my homeland of Trinidad. It was an experience that has traveled with me through all my years. I would recant my adventures to my husband over and over again about the times when I was a wee little thing running along the beach with my older brother stopping to watch these majestic creatures come ashore to lay their eggs at night.

A Trini Christmas – Holidays Island style
One of the hardest times for me to be an American is Christmas. My family still lives in Trinidad and it is very rare for me to be able to get home for the holidays. This is such a shame because there is nothing in the world like a Trini Christmas. I have tried to recreate it, but holidays island style are not authentic unless you are actually in the islands. Here is a little taste of what Christmas is like in Trinidad.

Funny International Knock Off Brands
Whenever I travel outside the US, I always find it funny to see stores that look exactly like the American version with just a few changes. It’s as if they couldn’t think of a good idea on their own, so they just took an American idea and modified it to suit their needs. While China is by far the king of knock offs and knock off brands, you can also find many similarities much closer to home. Here is a collection of funny international knock off brands that I found while on a recent visit to Trinidad and Tobago.
Carnival in Trinidad, A White Man’s Guide!
From behind me, in a hoarse whisper coated with the stench of cheap rum, beer, and cask wine, I heard “Wine for me now Boy”. It was a woman who I had never met before. She was twice my age, her diminutive 5′ 1′ Indian body pressed up against my ogreish 6’4″ frame, and yet I had no choice but to comply. Any hopes of flight left me before the thought could even escape the ether of my mind. It was her next line that left me no other course of action. No choice but to wine and grind on her right then and there. You see, before I could reel from her stench, or even flinch, she whispered “I been watchin’ ya dance for hours now boy! I know ya can! You dance like a Trini man” I was trapped! I did what any man in my position celebrating carnival in Trinidad would do. I chugged the rest of my Carib, let my body and mind surrender to the soca beats coming from the music trucks, and I wined up on her…