If you’re looking to travel to the UK from the US there are quite a few great resources out there for information for Americans. Considering that a trip to London is one of the items on our Travel Bucket List, we decided to get together some of our UK travel tips and information that we’ve collected to help you plan your trip as well. These are some helpful sites and bits of info we’ve gathered while planning our first trip.

The first thing you have to do is get there of course! If you plan on flying (I imagine it’s a long swim) from the US you’re going to want to fly out of New York or Miami for the most direct flight options. The good news for you is that Virgin Atlantic has flights out of both of these hubs and they are one of the highest rated airlines in the industry!
Once you cross the pond you’ll normally have a wicked dose of the jet lag. I’ve heard many tips and tricks about overcoming it. The only one I’ve ever heard of actually working is a few very stiff drinks and getting lots of sleep! Now I can’t sleep on planes so one of my favorite tricks is getting a hotel at the airport. That way all you have to do is make it from the baggage claim to the hotel lobby.
Once you’ve slept off your jet lag (hangover) it’s time to rent yourself a car. What’s that? You don’t want to drive yourself? Buck up you ninny! It’s not that hard at all. Just practice a bit in the parking lot when you pick up your rental. If you get your rental at the airport you can drive around the parking lot a few times at a pretty slow speed until you get used to it. Whatever you do though I don’t suggest practicing driving on the wrong side of the road while in the US. If you do you might end up like this guy.

Now that you’ve got yourself to the UK and you’re able to travel around on your own, what do you do? Well you can take a look at these awesome UK Travel Tips at one of our favorite travel sites: Lonely Planet. It’s chock full of articles and information and lots of UK travel tips for the whole family.
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