When you road trip as often as we do this means that most of your life is spent in the car. Sometimes, that means up to 13 hours a day for us. What do we do with all that time? Just sitting in the car, staring out the window for hours on end can be enough to drive a person mad (not that some of us were all that sane to begin with :) ). You come up with creative road trip games to pass the minutes. The VW Punch Buggy Game is one of our favorites! Being huge Volkswagen fans, it is only natural that we would want to participate in this fun but sometimes brutal game. This is the “Constant Rambler” version of the popular road trip game.

We decided that on long road trips the VW Punch Buggy Game would be a great way to keep each other awake and vigilant on the road (and slugging each other would also be good for stress relief :) ). The original version of this game includes only classic VW bugs and have little or no room for adding or subtracting rules. We pretty much threw that version out the car window (insert laugh here), and came up with the VW game, Rambler Style!
There are 3 different kinds of punch buggies in our catalog:
1.) The Current Model (including the “New Beetle” ) – 1 punch with the “no punch back” addendum added to end :) (or else the punchee can slug you back). This version also requires you to state the color of the punch buggy. ex. “Yellow punch buggy no punch backs”
If the punchee slugs you back they have to state the whole saying over. ex. “Yellow punch buggy no punch backs”

2.) The classic or original model – 2 punches with the “no punch back” addendum added to end. This version does not require you to call a color. Sometimes you run into a rusted out punch buggy and it is so old and faded that a color is not available.

3.) The Dark Flint Special aka Lauren’s Punch Buggy – This version happens to be my favorite! It is the “Lauren’s Punch Buggy” version. – 3 punches with the “no punch back” addendum added to end. This version does not require stating a color. You can say “Lauren’s Punch Buggy” or “Dark Flint Punch Buggy”. This is my favorite because it is based on my old car, Roxanne :) and there were only 3500 made. This is the ultimate punch buggy find!

As you can see, you can modify the game or tailor it to suite your Punch Buggy needs. There is only one exception to punching for a punch buggy in our version of this game. No VW dealership punches! If you are passing by a VW Dealership (all other dealerships are fair game) all VWs on that lot are null and void. For expert play I suggest the passenger keeps an eye out for car carrying semis. Sometimes those babies are chock full of VW Beetles, and you can usually catch everyone else in the car by surprise!
After countless hours on the road together, we have several other games in the works that all follow the same basic rules.
1.) The Fiat Flick
2.) Audi TT Twister (use your imagination :) )
3.) The (not so hygienic and completely untested) Lotus Licks
Please feel free to leave any other suggestions or amendments to our games in the comments below or email us at contact@theconstantrambler.com . We look forward to hearing about your games!
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